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Wormbase | Score | Wormbase Gene | Wormbase Locus | Wormbase Description | References | HGNC | Human Genes | Mammalian Annotation | Human Diseases | Chlamydomonas | CrFPv5_Gene | CrAnnotation | WormCat | Ou | Inglis et al. Leroux | Phirke et al Swoboda | Jensen et al Blacque | Chen et al Stein | D-D | D-D (amphids) | D-D (phasmids) | D-D (dye filling score) |
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© Gregory J. Pazour For use of this data, please cite: Pazour et al. Witman 2005. Proteomic analysis of a eukaryotic cilium. J. Cell Biol. 170:103-113. For details on datasets used to generate this data, see Help |
V4.0.5 (01-23-2025)